endzem wrote:Ridley Scott purposely made the film ambiguous. In the 1982 version, he "lightly" hinted that Deckard was a rep. In the DC, he hinted "slightly more". The ambiguity of BR is part of what makes it such a timeless film. I mean, look at us! 22 years later, and fans find themselves equally divided and are still debating the issue. I think half the topics in this board alone have to do with the human/replicant debate.
And for the record, I still prefer to view Decard as human.
I've read interviews with Ridley from 1982 and he stated that he was disappointed that he had lost the battle to make it more obvious - I have posted the excerpt somewhere else on the forum at some point. I'll go and find the thread...
We each live in our own realities - who's maintaining yours?
The only thing that you can be 100% sure of, is that you can't be 100% sure of anything.