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Do you prefer Deckard as a human or as a replicant?

How do you prefer to see Deckard?

I prefer to see Deckard as a human.
I prefer to see Deckard as a replicant.
I vote Deckard is a human because of the overwhelming evidence.
I vote Deckard is a Replicant because of the overwhelming evidence.
Total votes : 78


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Post Fri May 02, 2008 10:55 am

endzem wrote:In the Japanese anime classic, "The Bubble Gum Crisis" from the mid 80's, the group of girs-heros are form a band called "The Replicans". The lead singer's name is Pris.

Thanks, endzem! Looks like there was quite the Blade Runner influence:


I had not heard of Bubble Gum Crisis but will ask my teenage step-daughter who is much more of an anime buff. I never watched anything beyond DBZ (and not the Funimation version. I am a subtitle guy.)



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Post Sat May 03, 2008 6:44 am

For me Deckard is human.
I watched the movie before the directors cut.


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Post Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:14 am

Re: Do you prefer Deckard as a human or as a replicant?

wow last post was 3 years ago! It is obvious that Deckard was intended to be human in the original release (not by Ridley), but clearly a replicant in the director's cut and the final cut. But we are saying here that it is so much better if Deckard was human in the story. The movie becomes more soulful and psychological that way, evoking a more relevant life lesson left by Roy Batty, whereas the Director's cut and the Final cut focuses on Deckard's nature and makes the ending like a Twilight Zone episode or the ending of Invasion of the Bodysnatchers :roll:


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Post Thu May 12, 2011 1:24 pm

Re: Do you prefer Deckard as a human or as a replicant?

I prefer to think of Deckard as a human, but like Hampton Fancher, I am more intrigued with the idea that he may be a replicant, and I think that Ridley's affirmation that Deckard is a replicant does little to change people's minds. Ridley Scott rules!!!


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Post Tue May 17, 2011 4:56 pm


Avril wrote:For me Deckard is human.
I watched the movie before the directors cut.

i have grown to like the final cut better but i still ,if i had to pick ,(I like the international version even better-better,included in the four disc dvd set.....
yes, with the stunt double ,that doesn't look any thing like zora, (my fav. over priss).
yes,when roy says f^(kEr instead of father,because no self conscience ,"true" father would treat his biological son like some kind of merchandice,for he himself would be like a machine or should i say...without a beating heart. What can i say..its' the way Roy really felt at that momment,the word, offensive or no was brutally honest and crucial to that particular scene. You see movies that say this and say that ,just to make a dollar,curse words thrown in with no particular meaning whatsoever,just ignorant writing and ranting, well Blade Runner ,it's different as you all have experienced. It's more than a painting,it's art with a heart,a wrist with a pulse,a rainbow in the night,and a poem in the rain.
...It must be said though that roy was made as well as they could make him,and you may feel some sort of sympathy for tyrell.
yes i also apritiate the little mistakes or things allowed that were left in,how about the picture that is not so redone with the so called... advances. Some people enjoy a few crackles and pops on a vinyl album ,i'm one of the some. 8)

yes and one more thing out of others i want mention right now... no unicorn dream that throws the movie into a wholenother twist. That scene has "a certain kind of meaning" to me even though people try to confine it to one or 2 meanings, of course i can say that of the whole movie (concerning all versions.)

Too bad it wasn't in letterbox,the international version that i rented at blockbuster video. I can remember years after not seeing it & going to rent it one last time before they pulled it to make room for dvds. Those were the days ,not long before the dream ... ridley offering the fans ,"a 4 disc collection", can u believe it?,am i dreaming?!...the intern. version,the theater version,the orig. dir. cut, and the final cut. even throws in some trailers,a documentry,deleted scenes,more than one commentary,
woe-we! superb!
again i say...thank you sir.
and noodles. =D>
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Post Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:13 am

Re: Do you prefer Deckard as a human or as a replicant?

This theme is so deep and rich that this mere post cannot do it justice. However my view is this;


Why? because if Deckard were to be a replicant, then the contrast between Deckard's soulless humanity and Roy's poetic inhumanity would no longer work. But of course, there are evidence in the film to suggest he may be a REPLICANT. Among them is the 'unicorn dream' that Deckard has. Later we see Deckard find a unicorm origami outside his appartment (left by Gaff) suggesting perhaps that he (Gaff) knows of Deckards 'unicorn dream' or implanted memory which means Deckard is a replicant.

But theres another view to that , and Frank Darabont puts it perfectly on the brilliant documentary on the 5 disc special edition (Deck-A-Rep).

His view is that the Unicorn dream in infact RACHAEL'S, and when h finds the origami of it at the end, he gives a knowing nod, to say that 'okay, alright Gaff. Your a smart ass I give you that! Yes you were in the apartment, and you know about Rachael, your a good one i'll give you that!'!! Well, thats what he was thinking in my view more or less!!

But like I said, its a deep topic and hopefully i'll put more input in around the forum. But my main reason why I believe Deckard is a Human is like I stated, the contrast between Deckards soulless humanity and Batty's poetic inhumanity will no longer make sense IF Deckard were to be a replicant.

Hence, HUMAN!!!
''...oh yeah, I knew he was a cylon..replicant I mean'' (James Olmos makes a Gaff - no pun intended!!! - BLADE RUNNER 5 Disc Collectors Edition)


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Post Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:39 am

Re: Do you prefer Deckard as a human or as a replicant?

I totally appreciate the argument about the contrast between Deckard's humanity and Batty's inhumanity, but for me the impact is all the greater if Deckard is a more advanced replicant with memory implants. He's so perfect a replica of a human that by all reasonable definitions he IS human. Now we have a replicant that is practically human being forced to do a horrible inhuman job, almost wishing he was a machine. Then contrast that with Batty; almost human, but really a monster wishing he could be more human.

To me, your contrast still works, but at an even deeper and more thought provoking level.


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Post Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:18 am

Re: Do you prefer Deckard as a human or as a replicant?

Brendan wrote:I totally appreciate the argument about the contrast between Deckard's humanity and Batty's inhumanity, but for me the impact is all the greater if Deckard is a more advanced replicant with memory implants. He's so perfect a replica of a human that by all reasonable definitions he IS human. Now we have a replicant that is practically human being forced to do a horrible inhuman job, almost wishing he was a machine. Then contrast that with Batty; almost human, but really a monster wishing he could be more human.

To me, your contrast still works, but at an even deeper and more thought provoking level.

Hmmm? Very interesting theory! I've heard some theory's that Deckard may be a Nexus 7! Hence fulfilling Tyrell's moto 'More human than human' like a hand to a glove.

I know the 'proof' if you want to call it that is there in the Directors cut, and Final cut, such as the origami, Unicorn dream, and the red glowing eyes in the apartment, but then again Ridley is VERY pro Deck-A-Rep! But in terms of film versions, you can say that in the original voice over version Deckard is a human, but the later Directors Cut - a Replicant.

Its hard to say with conviction what he really is.

I think Paul S. Sammon summed it perfectly; is Deckard a replicant? MAYBE!

Having said that, i'm a romantic at heart, and being a big fan of the voice over version, i'd have to say Deck is human. I WANT to believe he is!!! Thats just me! But the Deckard Nexus 7 theory is VERY interesting! And I agree with your points! Either way, we're both correct in a sense...

The beauty of this debate is that it will last forever. Hence making BR timeless!

Cheers! :)
''...oh yeah, I knew he was a cylon..replicant I mean'' (James Olmos makes a Gaff - no pun intended!!! - BLADE RUNNER 5 Disc Collectors Edition)


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Post Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:19 pm

Re: Do you prefer Deckard as a human or as a replicant?

Deck-A-Cylon wrote:
Brendan wrote:I totally appreciate the argument about the contrast between Deckard's humanity and Batty's inhumanity, but for me the impact is all the greater if Deckard is a more advanced replicant with memory implants. He's so perfect a replica of a human that by all reasonable definitions he IS human. Now we have a replicant that is practically human being forced to do a horrible inhuman job, almost wishing he was a machine. Then contrast that with Batty; almost human, but really a monster wishing he could be more human.

To me, your contrast still works, but at an even deeper and more thought provoking level.

Hmmm? Very interesting theory! I've heard some theory's that Deckard may be a Nexus 7! Hence fulfilling Tyrell's moto 'More human than human' like a hand to a glove.

I know the 'proof' if you want to call it that is there in the Directors cut, and Final cut, such as the origami, Unicorn dream, and the red glowing eyes in the apartment, but then again Ridley is VERY pro Deck-A-Rep! But in terms of film versions, you can say that in the original voice over version Deckard is a human, but the later Directors Cut - a Replicant.

Its hard to say with conviction what he really is.

I think Paul S. Sammon summed it perfectly; is Deckard a replicant? MAYBE!

Having said that, i'm a romantic at heart, and being a big fan of the voice over version, i'd have to say Deck is human. I WANT to believe he is!!! Thats just me! But the Deckard Nexus 7 theory is VERY interesting! And I agree with your points! Either way, we're both correct in a sense...

The beauty of this debate is that it will last forever. Hence making BR timeless!

Cheers! :)

HEY,one thing to consider is that i dont' remember seeing any replicants drinking any alchohalic beverages, and deck is one to have more than a few. He seems like a simple man in some scenes fighting against an almost unstopable enemy,of course it looks as though the replicants get somewhat weeker as the movie proceeds, ....Them developing their own emotional responces is a sign of weekness for them because they were designed to serve the public,even slave labor.The manufactors should have considered a rebellion would take place with tyrell's idea of more human than human. In a way this movie is terribly flawed in many areas but that is what makes it so unpredictable,it can play in more than one direction,i think now that i've seen more than one version i can say that the international suits my taste the best, ..it even delivors a possible replicant view without the unicorn .I thought deck and rach found a place at the end to venture into that those in that dark,gloomy,and film noiresh world couldn't obtain,a kinda escape.I may have recalled ridley saying he didn't go for it but i say it was like awaking from a dream,light had touched their eyes,you feel their boldness in that final scene with them. :idea:
Last edited by protectadeck on Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:10 pm

Re: Do you prefer Deckard as a human or as a replicant?


I hear you bro! I too am prone to the earlier version, though I must admit, the Final Cut just looks soooo sumptious, its hard to keep your eyes off it LOL!

Quite an interesting take on the Rachael + Deckard escape to the country side scene. Reminds me of Matrix Revolutions when we see Neo and Trinity escaping the Sentinals and they fly upwards and get a glimpse of the sun, everything is bright and free of the gloom and darkness of their world. But as much as I love the voice over version, I always thought that scene just didnt fit in with the rest of the film. I may not buy it entirely, but your theory does add a little validity and purpose for that scene. I can understand your point though :)

''...oh yeah, I knew he was a cylon..replicant I mean'' (James Olmos makes a Gaff - no pun intended!!! - BLADE RUNNER 5 Disc Collectors Edition)

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