Avril wrote:For me Deckard is human.
I watched the movie before the directors cut.
i have grown to like the final cut better but i still ,if i had to pick ,(I like the international version even better-better,included in the four disc dvd set.....
yes, with the stunt double ,that doesn't look any thing like zora, (my fav. over priss).
yes,when roy says f^(kEr instead of father,because no self conscience ,"true" father would treat his biological son like some kind of merchandice,for he himself would be like a machine or should i say...without a beating heart. What can i say..its' the way Roy really felt at that momment,the word, offensive or no was brutally honest and crucial to that particular scene. You see movies that say this and say that ,just to make a dollar,curse words thrown in with no particular meaning whatsoever,just ignorant writing and ranting, well Blade Runner ,it's different as you all have experienced. It's more than a painting,it's art with a heart,a wrist with a pulse,a rainbow in the night,and a poem in the rain.
...It must be said though that roy was made as well as they could make him,and you may feel some sort of sympathy for tyrell.
yes i also apritiate the little mistakes or things allowed that were left in,how about the picture that is not so redone with the so called... advances. Some people enjoy a few crackles and pops on a vinyl album ,i'm one of the some.
yes and one more thing out of others i want mention right now... no unicorn dream that throws the movie into a wholenother twist. That scene has "a certain kind of meaning" to me even though people try to confine it to one or 2 meanings, of course i can say that of the whole movie (concerning all versions.)
Too bad it wasn't in letterbox,the international version that i rented at blockbuster video. I can remember years after not seeing it & going to rent it one last time before they pulled it to make room for dvds. Those were the days ,not long before the dream ... ridley offering the fans ,"a 4 disc collection", can u believe it?,am i dreaming?!...the intern. version,the theater version,the orig. dir. cut, and the final cut. even throws in some trailers,a documentry,deleted scenes,more than one commentary,
woe-we! superb!
again i say...thank you sir.
and noodles.