THX1138 wrote:looks cool. i just got to thinking though, why are you guys using the off-world blimp in tampa? you'd think that would be something used in LA or new york because those are two very populated cities, much more than tampa or chicago. it's just making it look like there's a blimp in every city around the US.
IMHO: Every large city in the world should have an Off-World Blimp. Why?
A) Off-World is a mega corporation which owns a good chuck of known space.
B) MetroTampa is a mega city. In our storyline it became that way because it was one of the few remaining ports and space-ports.
C) All cities would have blimps, but they might have different ads.--which we are working on.
THX1138 wrote:also, i just noticed this. all your buildings' advertisements are arranged in the same position as the original Los Angeles Blade Runner, from the same camera angles. the off-world sign to the right, the pan am sign in the left back of the screen. its all way too familiar. is this the final angle for the final cut? or are you going to change camera angles or ad positions?
A) Not all the scenes are cut that way. Only the scene with the billboard fly-by has this similarity, and we are olny using it for the upcoming trailer and first episode to give the trailer a familiar touch.
B) Yes. There will be many other scenes all done from different angles. I only have the storyboards for episode one and part of two.
C) We will be going for the "familiar yet different" feel for the film.
THX1138 wrote:i have the blimp sounds from the game if you dont already have those. there's a lot of different variations in the ads, so there's more than what you hear in the movie.
Yes. I also extracted those sounds a long time ago, but thanks for offering.
We have some ads of our own we also intend to use:
A) Busch Gardens futuristic theme park ad
B) Soylent Green food products
C) Geisha 3003 - a new film by Ridley Scott
D) etc.
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