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Leon did not shoot Holden First originally.
Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:28 pm
by ridleyville
I have just discovered that Leon does not shoot Holden first in the original Storyboards and was changed. In the Storyboard sequence Holden realises leon is a replicant and he shoots from under the table first. He misses leon and the shot hits the side of the chair because of his quick response. He dives over to Holden grabbing his hand that is holding the gun and crushes it. He then shoots Holden.
Re: Leon did not shoot Holden First originally.
Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:22 pm
by ridleyville
Just reading in Paul Sammons book that you can in fact see a gun in Holdens hand, i had not noticed that before.
Re: Leon did not shoot Holden First originally.
Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:55 pm
by ridleynoir
Holden seems to be just getting the gun out of his holster as he is shot in the film. I think he also mentions being a little too slow in the Hospital deleted scene IIRC. I forgot how it played out in DADoES. Not sure how it would have looked if Holden shoots first? A lot of the stuff in those early scripts were very anti Hollywood in style, including Deckard killing Rachael in the end. I like things about all the early drafts, and pretty cool reads to see how different the film would have been.
Re: Leon did not shoot Holden First originally.
Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:43 pm
by Ambiguous
Holden shot first!